In Japan, there is a wildly popular style of comedy known as batsu game (罰ゲーム), where comedians compete in challenges of all kinds with the losers receiving a punishment. BATSU! brings this comedy style to America, with comedians competing to avoid electric shocks, paintballs, a giant egg-smashing chicken, and many more hilarious jaw-dropping punishments!

Watch four American comedy warriors face off in challenges as they battle for comedic glory and honor. The bravest audience members may also volunteer (upon signing a waiver) to participate in some of the challenges to win honor or suffer punishment. In the end, there will be only one winner who will have the honor of striking the “Gong of Punishment.”

To sum it all up, BATSU! is an interactive, immersive entertainment experience that fuses the Japanese comedy style of a batsu with a rotating cast of the very best improv comics.

BATSU! is committed to providing performance ​opportunities for East and South East Asian/AAPI​artists and in promoting positive international ​fellowship through the fusion of two cultures and ​styles of comedy. We are dedicated to equity, ​diversity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging. All ​in the name of hilarity!

“This is truly our favorite thing we’ve ever seen, anywhere.”

“Really funny.”
—New York Times

“Must see act, you won’t want to miss!”
—The Huffington Post

“Hilarious, Strange, and Kind of Sick!”
—The Thrillist

“An East Village Sensation!”
—Asian Fusion

“Audiences Roared with Laughter!”
—Chicago Sun-Times

“Two hours of sprawling entertainment.”